Plantar Fasciitis is a very common injury that affects the plantar fascia tissue at the bottom of the feet. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue running from the heel to the toes that supports the arch of the foot. When inflamed, this tissue can cause severe pain and should be treated properly. Plantar fasciitis can be caused by many factors such as walking habits, foot shape, and weight.
What is the cause?
Plantar fasciitis can have many causes. Most of the plantar fasciitis injuries occur because of inadequate support to the foot. This can be a result of having a flat foot or high arch, as well as a lack of support in shoes. Being overweight or having tight Achilles tendons can put excess strain on your plantar fascia. Irregular walking patterns can also play a part in causing plantar fasciitis. Runners are especially susceptible to plantar fasciitis because of abundant wear and tear on the foot. When any number of these factors overstretch the plantar fascia, it can create minuscule tears that cause pain and inflammation.

What are the symptoms?
- Sharp pain on the bottom of the foot
- Pain is common when first taking steps after waking up, as well as after exercise
Dr. Petersen is well trained to correctly diagnose and treat plantar fasciitis. We utilize the most advanced Physiotherapy Techniques using ART active release technique, Graston, E-stem, Class 4 laser, Cold laser and specialized exercises to get you back to your activity in the shortest time possible.
We can order imaging tests to properly assess what is causing the symptoms:
- X-rays
X-rays show us if there is internal damage as well as misalignment in the foot that can be treated. - MRI
An MRI can show how much damage and to what degree the foot has been affected.
- Pain reduction
Stopping or decreasing the activity that is causing the pain is the main goal of our first treatment segment. Applying ice and heat alternatively throughout the day will help with both pain and inflammation. Our Class 4 laser treatment is very effective for this segment. - A range of treatments to restore oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissue
- Class 4 laser
- Graston Technique Therapy
Successful in effectively treating all soft tissue conditions, whether they are chronic, acute or post- surgical. - E-stim
Electric muscle stimulation using a device that delivers electronic pulses to motor nerves through electrodes placed on the skin, causing a motor response to achieve a number of desired results. - Ultrasound
- Soft tissue work
- Exercise and proper stretching
Effective physiotherapy regiment to both decrease pain and restore proper function.