Performance and conditioning in sports is everything, and regardless if you are a pro athlete or a weekend warrior, your performance and conditioning for your chosen activity can make the difference between having a healthy season or being sidelined for an injury. Our Doctors can assess your level of fitness, check balance for each specific sport and give a solid game plan for an existing injury to get you back in the game.
It’s important to get an evaluation for an injury as soon as possible and our Doctors are here to assist you in reducing your pain and heal faster when an injury occurs. Don’t forget that as we age, our bodies are more prone to injury as our bones and muscles age with us. Dr. Petersen can help with attaining increased flexibility, better mobility, more resistant to injury and increased strength.
Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular as a way for athletes to increase their performance and help avoid injuries. Regular chiropractic care has been shown to treat some types of sports injuries and prevent many others.
For minor injuries, the most common treatments are ice, over the counter medications, heat and compression. Over the counter medications like Tylenol can alleviate pain and reduce swelling. Similarly, heat and/or ice helps to reduce swelling and promote natural healing in the injured area. Compression is often used when a particular injured area is wrapped or placed in a brace. This both treats and prevents swelling and keeps the injured area protected.
Volleyball Injuries
Of all volleyball injuries combined, ankle injury incidents place number one on the list and contribute to the biggest loss of playing time. It is important to properly warm up and stretch prior to play to reduce the likelihood of an injury.
In the case of an ankle injury, immediately apply the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) treatment. If you are unable to walk or bear weight after an injury, seek the proper advice from your medical provider as soon as possible to rule out any possibility of fractures or extensive ligament tears. With proper rehabilitative care, a full recovery is likely within 8-9 weeks. A return to play is commonly allowed once players are able to bear their whole body weight while standing on their toes with no pain.
Running Injuries
Approximately 40 percent of running injuries are knee injuries, and one of the most common of these injuries is Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) often called “runners knee”. It’s characterized by pain at or around the kneecap. Most symptoms tend to rise after long runs or while descending stairs or hills. Like any injury, it’s important to seek medical advice as soon as symptoms appear to rule out any sort of injury that might prevent a full recovery if left unchecked.
Crossfit Injuries
CrossFit participation engages a wide range of muscle movements and one of the most common injuries to the body is the low back. CrossFit encompasses high-intensity interval training (HIIT), Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics (known as jump training, or plyos, where the muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power), power-lifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport (using a kettlebell), calisthenics, strongman, and other exercises. As with any injury, it’s important to seek medical advise as soon as symptoms appear to rule out anything serious. Be sure to be checked out by a qualified sports trainer or doctor and follow recommendations about how soon or even if to resume training.
How Soft Tissue Injuries Happen
Soft tissue injuries can happen when you improperly lift a heavy object, roll your ankle, overuse a muscle, experience a sports injury, become injured in a car accident, or endure any other type of trauma.
People are more prone to soft tissue injuries for the following reasons:
- Not warming up or cooling down for workouts
- Lack of sufficient training for a sport or a job
- Increasing activity intensity too quickly
- Not allowing yourself enough recovery time after an injury
- Failure to wear protective or supportive equipment
When left untreated, soft tissue injuries can take a long time to heal and may cause scar tissue to develop. Dr. Petersen many times can help you recover more quickly from a soft tissue injury.
Common types of sports injuries
- Sprains
- Shin Splints
- Groin Pull
- Sciatica
- Hamstring Strain
- Tennis or Golf Elbow
- ACL Tear or Strain
- Hip Flexor Strain
- Contusions or Hematomas
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
- Knee Injuries
- Headaches
- Shoulder Injury
- Ankle Injuries
Help from Dr. Petersen
Aside from the injury care and rehab protocol to get you back on the field, Dr. Petersen also helps to keep the spine in its proper alignment. When the spine is properly aligned, it allows the entire body to function better, feel healthier and be more limber. This results in less injury, better range of motion, and a faster recovery time. Dr. Petersen, a licensed Chiropractor, may be able to help you get your sports injuries healed or prevented in the first place.
Dr. Petersen can help you recover from sports injuries. He has years of experience with different sports and injuries and can offer treatments and recovery strategies. Contact him today to make an appointment.