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1373 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA
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Physiotherapy helps people affected by illness, disability or injury to be able to regain movement through exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.

It helps people to maintain their health during their entire life, helping patients to manage pain and help heal what has been injured.

Physiotherapy helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay at work while helping them remain independent.

Also, physiotherapy is a science-based profession and takes the whole person approach for health and well-being, which includes the patient’s general lifestyle.

Through education, awareness, rehabilitation, empowerment and participation in their treatment, the patient and Dr. Max Petersen can work together to heal the injured area.

At any time in your life, you can benefit from physiotherapy.

Petersen Chiropractor helps rehabilitate injuries in San Jose
Max Petersen the best rehabilitation chiropractor in San Jose with clients